Help Students Fight Asthma Attacks

Currently one in nine Australian children suffer from Asthma attacks. This statistic is expected to incre

Currently one in nine Australian children suffer from Asthma attacks. This statistic is expected to increase.

A significant portion of yearly hospitalizations for childhood asthma occur in February. Upon returning to school, various factors such as increase in dust and closed classroom windows, stress, environmental changes, allergens, and less stringent asthma management during the holidays can trigger asthma symptoms in children.

Additionally, a new set of classmates can bring fresh cold and flu viruses, which are often the cause of asthma flare-ups.

Consequently, asthma affects school-aged children ability to attend school and participate in daily activities.

To manage asthma symptoms in schools, air purifiers and air monitors should be used

Imagine being able to remove those allergens and irritants from the air your students, and you, breathe. That is where an air purifier comes in. These devices work by pulling in dirty air and trapping the particles in a filter. This means that the air coming out of the device is cleaner and free of harmful allergens.

A study showed significant reduction in symptoms for those using a HEPA air purifier. After just 2-4 weeks, allergy symptoms and medication use decreased by 16% – putting students well on the road from misery to productivity!

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Can't I just open a window or use a fan to get rid of the allergens?" Sure, you can. But an air purifier is much more effective. It can remove particles that a fan or open window cannot, like mould spores, pollen and pet dander.

But here's the thing, not all air purifiers are created equally. You will want to make sure you get one with a HEPA filter.

HEPA Filters help fight Asthma

HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air and it's the industry standard for removing tiny particles from the air. These filters can remove up to 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns. That's small enough to capture mould spores, pet dander, pollen, bacteria and even viruses.

So, if you have students with asthma, we highly recommend investing in an air purifier. Not only can it reduce their symptoms, but it can also improve their overall quality of life.

Air Monitors

Air monitors measure air quality and provide real-time data on pollutant and allergen levels. This information can be used to identify and address asthma triggers.

For example, air monitors can detect high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are common in schools and are often linked to asthma symptoms. Once identified, schools can work to reduce the source of the VOCs such as from cleaning products or building materials.

By using air purifiers and air monitors in schools, a cleaner and healthier environment for students with asthma can be created, resulting in fewer asthma flare-ups, less absenteeism, and improved quality of life.

Also crucial to note is that air purifiers and air monitors can help manage asthma symptoms, but they should not replace medical treatment. If a student has asthma, it's always recommended to consult a medical professional.

Tools for Schools supplies a full range of the SmartAir air purifiers and their filters.

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